Whether you need to add intelligence to graphics, integrate maps in your apps, address unique scheduling needs, or need expert Cold Fusion assistance, GraphicVision can help.
Intelligent GraphicsPlain graphics only tell part of the story - what's underneath them is of true value to your audience. GraphicVision combines web-enabled graphics with database information to add intelligence, and added value to your web environment. Intelligent floor and site plans, theater or stadium seating maps greatly enhance your web site content.
Complex Scheduling
GraphicVision has developed and marketed several scheduling applications for more than ten years. ScheduleFM™ meets unique scheduling needs by providing flexible functionality to manage scheduling of facilities and other assets, indoors or out, stationary or mobile. ScheduleSense™ addresses the unique scheduling needs of educational facilities, including K-12.
Custom Mapping
Cartography is the art of map making, and the Internet age has facilitated the evolution of this art. Maps can be simple line images, or complex, multilayered presentations. GraphicVision creates custom maps that can be integrated into your applications.
ColdFusion Programming
ColdFusion was the first web scripting language providing database interaction with web pages, and GraphicVision has leveraged the features of the powerful language for over 15 years. ColdFusion is the language of choice for many web projects, and our expertise is available to evolve existing ColdFusion applications, or to develop new apps to meet your web needs.